Could Blockchain Security Be an Effective Strategy Against APT38-Type Cyber Heists?

The speeding progression of networked technologies has seen a rise in both the number of vulnerabilities within a system and an increase in both the number and sophistication of the tools used to take advantage of them. Companies managing financial and personal data of millions of clients, companies such as commercial banks, are looking at …

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10 Jobs That Could Soon Be Done by AI-Powered Robots, Machines, Vehicles

Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning are some of the most exciting fields of research currently being undertaken and each can be found in various ways in many different applications across a vast spectrum of industrial and commercial sectors. With the rise of more and more advanced forms of automation, artificial intelligence and machine learning …

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Intelligent Transportation Systems – Part 2 – How Edge Computing and 5G Could Change the Way We Travel

Intelligent transportation systems (ITS) are quickly becoming a vastly connected network of smart infrastructure that provides the circulatory system to many up and coming smart cities. Two of the most promising technologies that will be looked upon to fully bring about the smart city vision are edge computing and 5G wireless networks. In part one …

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Ventless Industrial Mini PC for Boosting Manufacturing Productivity

The usual Thin Client computers deployed for MES applications in certain industries face constant physical challenges due to dust, extreme temperatures or humidity. Ventless Mini PCs offer Industrial grade ruggedness making them a perfect choice for a number of low compute-intensive automation applications. Casting, for instance, is an industrial manufacturing process that can be especially …

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How Will 5G Wireless Networks Influence Smart City Development?

5G influence on Smart City

With 5G networks on the horizon, there are various areas of society that are set to reap the benefits of these new, cutting edge technologies. From industrial sectors to public infrastructure, entertainment and events, e-democracy and many more, 5G will make a significant impact on both how we connect and interact with technology, and how …

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TPM to TPM 2.0: Network Appliances Add More Security at Hardware Level

As we know, with the rise of IoT and explosion of networked devices, cyberattacks have grown substantially. This wide range of threats means that network security teams cannot leave anything to chance or luck. They should always be up to date in terms of the latest cyber security technologies available to them for protecting the …

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ODM vs OEM Services: What’s the Right Hardware Manufacturing Strategy for You?

With the race to get products and solutions to market only becoming more and more intense as we move into the age of 5G and software defined infrastructure, choosing a reliable hardware partner to commercialize your solution on a fast track is critical to stay in business. OEM or ODM Services are two flexible hardware …

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