Lanner Video Streaming Tests Show Improved Latency Using MEC

Using Intel® processor–powered Lanner NCA-6210, company’s tests showed improvement in key latency metrics that reduced buffering time, image jitter, and frame loss

Streaming video consumption is growing in popularity and communications service providers (CommSPs) want to differentiate their service with low-latency network functionality in order to deliver high-quality video. Augmented reality (AR) services are not as mature, but they too need the same low latency for high quality of service. Using multi-access edge computing (MEC) servers for content delivery network functionality is a leading solution for these services because MEC promises a dramatic reduction in transport latency. To demonstrate just how big this improvement can be, Lanner, an Intel® Network Builders ecosystem member, tested video and AR streams on both a MEC content delivery network (CDN) solution and a cloud CDN solution.

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